1: mono nucleotide 2: di nucleotide 3: tri nucleotide 4: tetra nucleotide 5: penta nucleotide 6: hexa nucleotide
Example: Enter SSR type 3 and Enter Frequency of Repeats 5. All trinueotide SSRs having repeat 5 will be dispalyed |
The combination of "SSR Type" and "Frequency of Repeats" are given below for which records will be displayed:
Mono: [1,14;1,15;1,16;1,17;1,18;1,19] |
di : [2,7;2,8;2,9;2,10;2,11;2,12;2,13;2,14;2,15] |
Tri : [3,5;3,6;3,7;3,8;3,9;3,10;3,11,3,12;3,13;3,14;3,15] |
Tetra: [4,4;4,5;4,6] |
Penta: [5,4;5,5] |
Hexa : [6,4;6,5;6,6;6,7;6,8;6,9] |