
About PotTransDB

Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) ranks third among the world's most significant food crops, following rice and wheat, in terms of human consumption. It boasts high yields of dry matter and calories per unit area and time, making it a valuable source of energy, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Over a billion people worldwide enjoy potatoes both in their fresh form and as processed products like chips and French fries. Potatoes are a crop that requires intensive fertilization, with nitrogen (N) being a vital nutrient for optimal plant growth, tuber yield, and quality. Unfortunately, the excessive application of nitrogen in potato farming is a prevalent practice aimed at achieving high tuber yields. Here, the transcriptome data of potato under nitrogen stress were studied.

This work was supported by the grant CABin Scheme Network project on Agricultural Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (F.No. Agril.Edn. 14/2/2017-A&P dated 02.08.2017), received from Indian Council Agricultural Research and project "Establishment of Centre for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology in Agriculture-BIC" funded by the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, New Delhi, India.

Source of data

Tissue Control Treatment
Shoot SRR10135774 SRR10135773
Root SRR10135772 SRR10135771
Stolon SRR10135770 SRR10135769

Total no. of Visitors : 1016


Items Shoot Root Stolon
No. of DEGs : 1233 249 209 775
No. DElncRNAs : 269 57 53 159
No. eTM-DElncRNAs : 31 04 08 19
No. of IRES-lncRNAs:08 01 02 05
No. of circRNAs: 47 24 06 17
No. of circRNA-miRNAs :42 22 05 15
No. of IRES-circRNAs: 02 0 01 01
No. of Aternative Splicing events: 17200 16599 16174