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CsExSLDb: Transcriptome based Cucumis sativus Extended Shelf Life Database

About Database

CsExSLDb (Transcriptome based Cucumis sativus extended shelf life database) is a species specific database for Transcriptome analysis of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus). This database includes data like identified transcripts from the Transcriptome, Differentially Expressed Genes (DEGs) and Transcription Factors (TF). Genetic markers has also been identified from the transcriptome which include Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR) and Variants (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNPs) and INsertions and DELetions (INDEL)).
Interactive table displays the data which allows the user to search or filter the data accordingly. Currently, the database contains 1,86,184 Transcripts, 1,988 DEGs (distributed in 6 comparisons), 1,278 Transcription Factors, 21,524 SSR and 1,58,301 and 1,86,635 variants each for condition 1A and 2A respectively. The entire database occupies ~102 Mb of data.
CsExSLDb is designed to be easily navigable and allows users to browse the data easily. It contains a ‘Genes’ page through which a user can navigate through DEGs, Transcripts and TF. The 'Markers' page will help the user in browsing throught SSR, SNPs and INDELs. A download section provides links to the original data submitted to NCBI. Moreover, in case of any doubt or confusion, contact information has been provided so that the user can directly contact the concerned person.

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