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TSI of lncRNA

S.No. lncRNA id TSI Function of targeted genes
1 Cb_lnc_0061 0.961303 Tubby-like F-box protein 6 (AtTLP6)
2 Cb_lnc_1139 0.928773 Soyasaponin III rhamnosyltransferase (EC (Soyasaponin glycosyltransferase 3) (UDP-rhamnose:soyasaponin III-rhamnosyltransferase)
3 Cb_lnc_0183 0.915481 RAN GTPase-activating protein 1 (AtRanGAP1) (RanGAP1)
4 Cb_lnc_0109 0.915155 Protein translation factor SUI1 homolog 1
5 Cb_lnc_0530 0.980492 Probable isoaspartyl peptidase/L-asparaginase 2 (EC (L-asparagine amidohydrolase 2) [Cleaved into: Isoaspartyl peptidase/L-asparaginase 2 subunit alpha; Isoaspartyl peptidase/L-asparaginase 2 subunit beta]
6 Cb_lnc_0075 0.968085 Phosphoglycolate phosphatase 2 (EC
7 Cb_lnc_1932 0.974182 Histone H3.3 (H3.2)
8 Cb_lnc_0006 0.994875 Elongation factor 2 (EF-2) (Protein LOW EXPRESSION OF OSMOTICALLY RESPONSIVE GENES 1)
9 Cb_lnc_0681 0.981264 AP-2 complex subunit mu (Adaptor protein complex AP-2 subunit mu) (Adaptor protein-2 mu-adaptin) (Adaptor-related protein complex 2 subunit mu) (At-muA-Ad) (Clathrin assembly protein complex 2 mu medium chain) (Mu2-adaptin) (Protein AP47/50) (AtAP47/50)
10 Cb_lnc_0334 0.977053 Adenylylsulfatase HINT1 (EC (HIS triad family protein 3) (Histidine triad nucleotide-binding protein 1)
11 Cb_lnc_0840 0.934748 Adenosylhomocysteinase (AdoHcyase) (EC (S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine hydrolase)
12 Cb_lnc_0327 0.952754 50S ribosomal protein L5, chloroplastic
13 Cb_lnc_1354 0.999364 NA
14 Cb_lnc_0573 0.999066 NA
15 Cb_lnc_2879 0.9989 NA
16 Cb_lnc_2277 0.997749 NA
17 Cb_lnc_0197 0.99622 NA
18 Cb_lnc_1837 0.99561 NA
19 Cb_lnc_1526 0.992702 NA
20 Cb_lnc_2186 0.992388 NA
21 Cb_lnc_3039 0.992252 NA
22 Cb_lnc_0830 0.991354 NA
23 Cb_lnc_1598 0.991306 NA
24 Cb_lnc_2338 0.991189 NA
25 Cb_lnc_2596 0.989917 NA
26 Cb_lnc_2664 0.989821 NA
27 Cb_lnc_2305 0.989085 NA
28 Cb_lnc_0154 0.988915 NA
29 Cb_lnc_0752 0.986023 NA
30 Cb_lnc_2496 0.98578 NA
31 Cb_lnc_1947 0.985089 NA
32 Cb_lnc_0979 0.984429 NA
33 Cb_lnc_1924 0.984246 NA
34 Cb_lnc_2606 0.98214 NA
35 Cb_lnc_1394 0.981964 NA
36 Cb_lnc_1568 0.981586 NA
37 Cb_lnc_0557 0.981453 NA
38 Cb_lnc_0174 0.981262 NA
39 Cb_lnc_3305 0.980967 NA
40 Cb_lnc_2565 0.978787 NA
41 Cb_lnc_0523 0.978488 NA
42 Cb_lnc_0437 0.978407 NA
43 Cb_lnc_2611 0.976898 NA
44 Cb_lnc_1900 0.976818 NA
45 Cb_lnc_0533 0.976623 NA
46 Cb_lnc_2258 0.976536 NA
47 Cb_lnc_1089 0.975863 NA
48 Cb_lnc_1203 0.975639 NA
49 Cb_lnc_2291 0.975335 NA
50 Cb_lnc_0282 0.974794 NA
51 Cb_lnc_0614 0.973504 NA
52 Cb_lnc_3165 0.97329 NA
53 Cb_lnc_1702 0.972779 NA
54 Cb_lnc_0813 0.972545 NA
55 Cb_lnc_2349 0.971559 NA
56 Cb_lnc_1122 0.970378 NA
57 Cb_lnc_0244 0.97025 NA
58 Cb_lnc_2748 0.969622 NA
59 Cb_lnc_0724 0.969396 NA
60 Cb_lnc_1179 0.968874 NA