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miRNA id lncRNA id Score Alignment Targted gene id Description
Gor-miR_seed-3124 Cb_lnc_0932 2.5 *||*||||||*||||| EG979716.1 Probable histone acetyltransferase HAC-like 2 (EC

Gor-miR_seed-3124 Cb_lnc_1590 2.5 *||||||||*||*||| EG979716.1 Probable histone acetyltransferase HAC-like 2 (EC

Gor-miR_seed-3124 Cb_lnc_0017 2.5 *|||||||*|||*||| EG979716.1 Probable histone acetyltransferase HAC-like 2 (EC

Gor-miR_bud-3155 Cb_lnc_0693 1.5 *||||||||||||||* EG991277.1 Probable ubiquitin conjugation factor E4 (EC

Gor-miR_bud-3155 Cb_lnc_0477 1.5 *||||||||||||||* EG991277.1 Probable ubiquitin conjugation factor E4 (EC

Gor-miR_bud-3155 Cb_lnc_1913 2.5 |*|||||||:|||||* EG991277.1 Probable ubiquitin conjugation factor E4 (EC

Gor-miR_bud-3155 Cb_lnc_0037 2.5 ||||**|||:|||||| EG991277.1 Probable ubiquitin conjugation factor E4 (EC

Gor-miR_bud-3155 Cb_lnc_0605 2.5 ||||*|*||:|||||| EG991277.1 Probable ubiquitin conjugation factor E4 (EC

Gor-miR_bud-3155 Cb_lnc_1787 1.8 :|||||||:*|||||| EG991277.1 Probable ubiquitin conjugation factor E4 (EC

Gor-miR_bud-3155 Cb_lnc_2869 2 |||||||||*|*|||| EG991277.1 Probable ubiquitin conjugation factor E4 (EC

Gor-miR_bud-3155 Cb_lnc_0345 2 |||*|||*|||||||| EG991277.1 Probable ubiquitin conjugation factor E4 (EC

Gor-miR_bud-3155 Cb_lnc_0231 2 ||||||||*||*|||| EG991277.1 Probable ubiquitin conjugation factor E4 (EC

Gor-miR_bud-3155 Cb_lnc_1798 2.5 ||*||||||||:::|| EG991277.1 Probable ubiquitin conjugation factor E4 (EC

Gor-miR_bud-3155 Cb_lnc_2962 2.5 ||||||||*|||:*|| EG991277.1 Probable ubiquitin conjugation factor E4 (EC

Gor-miR_bud-3067 Cb_lnc_1312 1.5 |||||||||:||*||| EG990670.1 Protein SUPPRESSOR OF GENE SILENCING 3 homolog

Gor-miR_stem-3010 Cb_lnc_0046 2.5 ||**|||||||:||||| EG977337.1 Protein WVD2-like 2

Gor-miR_stem-3010 Cb_lnc_1458 2.5 |*||||||*||:||||| EG977337.1 Protein WVD2-like 2

Gor-miR_seed-3106 Cb_lnc_2192 2 *|||||||||:|||:||*|| EG989586.1 Putative ribonuclease H protein At1g65750 (EC

Gor-miR_seed-3051 Cb_lnc_0913 2 *|||*|||||:|||||| EG980279.1 Pyruvate kinase 1, cytosolic (OsPK1) (EC

Gor-miR_seed-3051 Cb_lnc_1805 2 *|||||*||||||:||| EG980279.1 Pyruvate kinase 1, cytosolic (OsPK1) (EC

Gor-miR_seed-3051 Cb_lnc_2936 2 ||||||*||||||*||| EG980279.1 Pyruvate kinase 1, cytosolic (OsPK1) (EC

Gor-miR_seed-3051 Cb_lnc_0101 2.5 |||*|||*||:|||||| EG980279.1 Pyruvate kinase 1, cytosolic (OsPK1) (EC

Gor-miR_seed-3051 Cb_lnc_1140 2.5 *|*||||||||*||||| EG980279.1 Pyruvate kinase 1, cytosolic (OsPK1) (EC

Gor-miR_seed-3051 Cb_lnc_0975 2.5 *||||||||*|||||*| EG980279.1 Pyruvate kinase 1, cytosolic (OsPK1) (EC

Gor-miR_stem-3154 Cb_lnc_1675 1.5 ||||||*||:|||||| EG985609.1 Ribosome biogenesis protein BOP1 homolog

Gor-miR_stem-3154 Cb_lnc_0420 1.8 :|||||*||||:|||| EG985609.1 Ribosome biogenesis protein BOP1 homolog

Gor-miR_stem-3168 Cb_lnc_0125 2.5 ||||||||||*|:|*||| EG989412.1 RNA-binding protein Y14A (OsY14a) (RNA-binding protein 8A)

Gor-miR_stem-3168 Cb_lnc_0121 2.5 ||||||||||*|:|*||| EG989412.1 RNA-binding protein Y14A (OsY14a) (RNA-binding protein 8A)

Gor-miR_root-3063 Cb_lnc_0014 2.5 **|||||||||*|||||| EG981554.1 SAC3 family protein A

Gor-miR_root-3019 Cb_lnc_0512 2.5 *|||||||:|||*:||| EG985142.1 Serine/arginine-rich splicing factor SR34B

Gor-miR_root-3019 Cb_lnc_1346 2.5 ||*|*||||||||:||| EG985142.1 Serine/arginine-rich splicing factor SR34B

Gor-miR_root-3019 Cb_lnc_2673 2.5 *|||||||*||||*||| EG985142.1 Serine/arginine-rich splicing factor SR34B

Gor-miR_seed-3138 Cb_lnc_1967 0 ||||||||||||||||||| EG987704.1 S-norcoclaurine synthase 1 (CjNCS1) (EC

Gor-miR_seed-3098 Cb_lnc_1556 2.5 **||*||||||||||| EG985284.1 Squalene epoxidase 5 (AtSQE5) (EC (Squalene monooxygenase 1,1) (SE 1,1)

Gor-miR_seed-3098 Cb_lnc_1748 2.5 *||||||||||*|||* EG985284.1 Squalene epoxidase 5 (AtSQE5) (EC (Squalene monooxygenase 1,1) (SE 1,1)

Gor-miR_leaf-3054 Cb_lnc_0141 2.5 ||*||||||::||:|| EG985664.1 T-complex protein 1 subunit epsilon (TCP-1-epsilon) (CCT-epsilon) (Chaperonin CCT5)

Gor-miR_leaf-3054 Cb_lnc_1778 2.5 ||*|||||||:||*|| EG985664.1 T-complex protein 1 subunit epsilon (TCP-1-epsilon) (CCT-epsilon) (Chaperonin CCT5)

Gor-miR_leaf-3054 Cb_lnc_3137 2.5 *||||||*|*|||||| EG985664.1 T-complex protein 1 subunit epsilon (TCP-1-epsilon) (CCT-epsilon) (Chaperonin CCT5)

Gor-miR_leaf-3056 Cb_lnc_2862 2 ||||||*||||||*||| EG978632.1 Transcription factor bHLH157 (BHLH transcription factor epsilon)

Gor-miR_leaf-3043 Cb_lnc_2554 0 |||||||||||||||||| EG989199.1 Transcription factor TCP12 (Protein BRANCHED 2)

Gor-miR_stem-3153 Cb_lnc_0487 2 ||||||||||:||:|:||*| EG989199.1 Transcription factor TCP12 (Protein BRANCHED 2)

Gor-miR_bud-3117 Cb_lnc_1509 2.2 :||||*|||||:||||||*| EG989079.1 Translocase of chloroplast 34 (EC 3.6.5.-)

Gor-miR_bud-3117 Cb_lnc_0426 2.5 :|*||||||||||||*||:| EG989079.1 Translocase of chloroplast 34 (EC 3.6.5.-) (34 kDa chloroplast outer envelope protein)

Gor-miR_bud-3033 Cb_lnc_2900 1.5 |||||*||||||:||| EG978119.1 Transmembrane 9 superfamily member 5

Gor-miR_bud-3033 Cb_lnc_0285 2 ||||||||*|||:|:| EG978119.1 Transmembrane 9 superfamily member 5

Gor-miR_leaf-3103 Cb_lnc_0158 1 ||||||||||||||*| EG990625.1 Ubiquitin-60S ribosomal protein L40-1

Gor-miR_leaf-3103 Cb_lnc_0026 1.5 ||||||||||:||*|| EG990625.1 Ubiquitin-60S ribosomal protein L40-1

Gor-miR_bud-3112 Cb_lnc_1016 2.2 :|*|||||||:||||: EG987370.1 Ubiquitin-60S ribosomal protein L40-1

Gor-miR_leaf-3103 Cb_lnc_1492 2.5 |*|||||||:||*||| EG990625.1 Ubiquitin-60S ribosomal protein L40-1

Gor-miR_bud-3112 Cb_lnc_0028 2.5 ||*|||||||:|::|| EG987370.1 Ubiquitin-60S ribosomal protein L40-1

Gor-miR_bud-3112 Cb_lnc_1244 2.5 *||**||||||||||| EG987370.1 Ubiquitin-60S ribosomal protein L40-1

Gor-miR_leaf-3103 Cb_lnc_2575 2.5 *|*||||||*|||||| EG990625.1 Ubiquitin-60S ribosomal protein L40-1

Gor-miR_stem-3032 Cb_lnc_0209 2 ||||||||||||*|||*|||| EG982215.1 Uncharacterized 12.3 kDa protein in petA-petD intergenic region (ORF102)

Gor-miR_stem-3159 Cb_lnc_2414 1.8 :||*||||||:||||| EG989703.1 WRKY transcription factor WRKY28 (OsWRKY28)

Gor-miR_stem-3159 Cb_lnc_1823 1.8 :||*||||||:||||| EG989703.1 WRKY transcription factor WRKY28 (OsWRKY28)

Gor-miR_stem-3159 Cb_lnc_0191 2 |||*|*|||||||||| EG989703.1 WRKY transcription factor WRKY28 (OsWRKY28)

Gor-miR_stem-3159 Cb_lnc_0785 2 ||||||||*|||||*| EG989703.1 WRKY transcription factor WRKY28 (OsWRKY28)

Gor-miR_stem-3159 Cb_lnc_0843 2.2 :||*||||||||||*| EG989703.1 WRKY transcription factor WRKY28 (OsWRKY28)

Gor-miR_stem-3159 Cb_lnc_0658 2.2 :||*||||||||*||| EG989703.1 WRKY transcription factor WRKY28 (OsWRKY28)

Gor-miR_stem-3159 Cb_lnc_0302 2.5 |||||||*|:|*|||| EG989703.1 WRKY transcription factor WRKY28 (OsWRKY28)

*: exact match like A/A, G/G